Welcome to my website – David Monteiro
Welcome to the digital doorway of discovery! I’m David Monteiro, your gateway to unforgettable adventures across the captivating landscapes of Portugal and Spain.

The objective of this website
This website aims to be a repository of my texts and photos, mostly related to the tours I’ve been leading.
You will find information about Portugal and Spain, the two regions I work in here.
You will also find articles about other countries such as Ireland, Cape Verde, etc.
Collaboration with other projects
Although I have a company (Iberactive), I’m always open to joining other projects, opening new destinations for client companies, or working with other travel agencies.
While leading tours or acting as a consultant, life has led me to all the locations and situations you will find related here.

Navigate on David Monteiro’s website
On this website, you can find two different repositories:
- Portfolio area – where you can get the articles I write and photos I shoot during my tours;
- Blog area – where posts refer to other people’s production.
About this website’s photos and articles
The photos used on this website are my property, and they are under copyright. They can’t be used without my express permission, and the texts are also not to be copied.
Please use this website as a base, take it from here, produce your own work, and add knowledge to the world.
On the other hand, I’m willing to consider participating in other projects I might find interesting.
So, please talk to me.
Please access here to view reviews about my services.
Regrettably, I can only display a limited number, but I believe it to be a substantial and relevant quantity.
Information accuracy
I’m a tour guide, not a historian or a reporter.
Having that clear, the intention of the texts you will find here is purely entertaining, and they reflect my perspective of each subject.
Please access here for credits to the works I use in producing my articles.
I’m always studying and try my best to provide information based on several sources when writing about historical matters.
However, you will also see that when I write about my thoughts or opinions.
Where do I operate
Portugal and Spain are countries I love and those I consider my home, although Cape Verde is the country where I was born.
Nevertheless, I know quite well my country, and it fills a special place in my heart.
Other countries mentioned here were visited during special projects or vacations.
Contact me
If you want to contact me, please send an email to david@davidmonteiro.me.
I welcome all contributions. Have fun, comment on the texts, and share it with your friends.
Be happy,
David Monteiro